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s/v Sean Seamour II – the final log entry

February 13, 2009 in s/v Sean Seamour II - the final log entry, SEA

This is the log of actions and events driven by the only subsequently named Sub-tropical Storm Andrea, leading to the sinking of s/v Sean Seamour II and the successful rescue of its entire crew on the early morning of May 7th 2007.

EPIRB / GPIRB issue update

May 28, 2008 in SEA

Photo: my GPIRB that did not & could not fulfill its vital life saving function and its clone manufactured two years later. This alert seems to have gone somewhat unnoticed until focused their attention on the issue. I have sought to inform the mariner community worldwide to check the EPIRB/GPIRB registrations in postings in various forums.

Security notice to all mariners

May 7, 2008 in SEA

On this anniversary of the loss of Sean Seamour II and the traumatic experience of clinging to a life raft in seventy foot seas with the belief that no help is on the way I call on all mariners to read and consider appropriate measures to avoid our predicament (in photo side by side the original GPIRB and the clone manufactured with the same serial number close to two years later).