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🇫🇷 “Arrachés à l’Enfer” – le Sean Seymour II ou Sean Seamour II?

November 20, 2020 in SEA

Depuis la publication du best seller A Storm Too Soon en 2013 on me demande quand une version française sera disponible, surprise de novembre il vient de paraître titré “Arrachés à l’Enfer” par les Editions Ancre de Marine. Cependant…

A Storm Too Soon, a true story by Michael Tougias

January 25, 2013 in SEA

Michael Tougias’ newest best selling true story 
of our disaster, survival, 
and incredible rescue titled “A Storm Too Soon”’ is missing pictures in the hard cover first print run so I have scoured years of old computers to reconstitute a photo-history of s/v Sean Seamour II, it is a work in progress but have a look, much of our ordeal is related through stills of the video the US Coast Guard.

EPIRB / GPIRB issue update

May 28, 2008 in SEA

Photo: my GPIRB that did not & could not fulfill its vital life saving function and its clone manufactured two years later. This alert seems to have gone somewhat unnoticed until focused their attention on the issue. I have sought to inform the mariner community worldwide to check the EPIRB/GPIRB registrations in postings in various forums.