Next generation Sassen : Viviane Sassen honored with the Prix de Rome award

August 14, 2009 in ART, Postings from the Atelier

I am proud to announce that my niece Viviane Sassen has just been awarded the highly coveted Prix de Rome award for her contribution to the art of photography.
Viviane receiving the Prix de Rome award

Viviane receiving the Prix de Rome award

The judges of this prestigious award considered that she brings a new dimension to photography when many considered the discipline to have reached its limits. Her uniqueness lies in the composition she creates, reaching above her subject to express humanity, expose cultural clichés and still purvey her personal message.
The Jury did not only consider her work as original, but for some, masterpieces.If you would like to see Viviane’ work I invite you to admire her website

Bravo Viviane.

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