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Dernière leçon apprise du naufrage du Sean Seamour II

October 20, 2010 in Dernière leçon apprise du naufrage de Sean Seamour II, SEA

🇫🇷 Le 7 mai 2007 ‘une vague scélérate estimée entre 24 et 36 mètres de haut a percuté notre flanc bâbord au milieu de la nuit. Les miracles qui nous ont permis de survivre sont contés; les héros qui nous ont arrachés à ce maelström médaillés; les leçons apprises publiées. Cependant, lors des remises des ces décorations…

Equipage du HH-60 médaillé pour le sauvetage du 7 mai

November 30, 2009 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

🇫🇷 C'est confirmé, les quatre membres de l'équipage du HH-60 des Gardes Côtes (US Coast Guards) seront médaillés le 19 décembre pour l'extraordinare sauvetage de l'équipage de Sean Seamour II

Epitaphe du Sean Seamour II

November 22, 2009 in Epitaphe pour Sean Seamour II, L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Postings from the Atelier

🇫🇷 Après le tableau de Mayke “Widow Walk du Camp de la Suyère”, si prémonitoire des évènements du 7 mai, une résignation silencieuse envahie sa vision de Sean Seamour II qui repose au fond de la Fosse de Hatteras, un épitaphe et une immortalisation qui permet à notre créativité de rebondir et à une nouvelle aventure d'émerger

Epitaph for the Sean Seamour II

November 10, 2009 in Epitaph for Sean Seamour II, SEA

The storm has subsided, Seanee as we always affectionately called her for me, him for Mayke, lies at rest 2500 leagues deep in the Hatteras Trench. I singled out this part of Mayke’s rendering of Seanee at rest for the artist within her still sees blue sky from the depths as the epitaph reads “met a rogue wave on the seventh of May 2007”. The full painting lies below.

Of my battles of human history

August 16, 2009 in ART

This new posting celebrates two events, the inauguration of the Gallery Suyère close to my Atelier and my most recent …

A Final Lesson Learned from Sean Seamour II

August 14, 2009 in A Final Lesson Learned from Sean Seamour II

Just one year ago today a rogue wave estimated between 80 and 120 feet high pounced upon Sean Seamour II …

Next generation Sassen : Viviane Sassen honored with the Prix de Rome award

August 14, 2009 in ART, Postings from the Atelier

Viviane Sassen honored with the highly coveted Prix de Rome award for her unique contribution to the art of photography

Death’s Door by Doug Campbell

August 12, 2009 in SEA

Death's Door in Soundings November magazine by Douglas A. Campbell Senior Writer is the story of Sean Seamour II rescue and a glimpse at the investigation regarding the malfunction and duplication by cloning of the ACR EPIRB hexadecimal code that almost cost the life of the crew

The widow walk of Camp de la Suyere, awaiting Sean Seamour

June 28, 2009 in The widow walk of Camp de la Suyere

From my mountain top half a world away I felt sub-tropical storm Andrea brew then explode, Camp de la Suyere became my widow walk, canvas my only connection to …

Video du sauvetage de l’équipage du Sean Seamour II

May 19, 2009 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II

🇫🇷 Video du sauvetage des trois membres de l'équipage de Sean Seamour II en face du Cap Hatteras le 7 mai dernier, a peine une minutes des 30 disponibles… dans des creux de plus de 20mètres (70 pieds)

Sean Seamour II rescue video

May 19, 2009 in Sean Seamour II rescue video

I have uploaded the Sean Seamour II rescue video edited by NOAA for the COSPAS SARSAT 25th anniversary conference at the State Department in Washington D.C.

Mayke Sassen back to Saint Tropez

March 23, 2009 in ART, Postings from the Atelier

It will soon be three years since our transfer from the Luberon back to the Golfe de Saint Tropez, successful albeit with the loss of our Sean Seamour II in sub-tropical storm Andrea. Mayke's atelier is finished and humming away with new works you will soon be able to see on her website but better yet in her Atelier Gallery soon finished.

About me

March 22, 2009 in About me

I paint from a passion to get to know who and where I am.
I once had a dream, I was on stage giving a brilliant performance.
At the end, I noticed that the curtain had been closed during the session.
I want to open that curtain and share.

A mon propos

March 20, 2009 in ART

Je peins, mue par la passion de découvrir qui et où je suis.
Je vis un rêve : je suis sur scène délivrant une brillante performance.
A la chute, je remarque que le rideau est resté fermé.
Je souhaite l’ouvrir et partager

s/v Sean Seamour II – the final log entry

February 13, 2009 in s/v Sean Seamour II - the final log entry, SEA

This is the log of actions and events driven by the only subsequently named Sub-tropical Storm Andrea, leading to the sinking of s/v Sean Seamour II and the successful rescue of its entire crew on the early morning of May 7th 2007.

Récit du naufrage de Sean Seamour II

February 13, 2009 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, SEA

(extraits du magazine Voiles et Voiliers # 438) Jean-Pierre quitte la Floride avec deux équipiers à bord de son Océanis 44 CC, direction Gibraltar. Après quatre jours de mer, au large du Cap Hatteras, l’équipage doit faire face à un coup de vent bien plus fort que prévu.

Mayke Sassen – some of my older work

July 10, 2008 in ART

At the request of many interested in my earlier work I have begun to post photos here … there are few dur to youthful insouciance, none from Japan, a few from Nigeria and of course some of my commissions.

EPIRB / GPIRB issue update

May 28, 2008 in SEA

Photo: my GPIRB that did not & could not fulfill its vital life saving function and its clone manufactured two years later. This alert seems to have gone somewhat unnoticed until focused their attention on the issue. I have sought to inform the mariner community worldwide to check the EPIRB/GPIRB registrations in postings in various forums.

The Greening of Sean Seamour III

May 21, 2008 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

The Green Boat Adventure seeks to define a new art of “green sailing” with the ultimate objective of totally eliminating fossil fuels from our sailboats in favor of a total dependence on renewable energies.

Security notice to all mariners

May 7, 2008 in SEA

On this anniversary of the loss of Sean Seamour II and the traumatic experience of clinging to a life raft in seventy foot seas with the belief that no help is on the way I call on all mariners to read and consider appropriate measures to avoid our predicament (in photo side by side the original GPIRB and the clone manufactured with the same serial number close to two years later).

Note de sécurité à tous les navigateurs

May 7, 2008 in SEA

🇫🇷 Photo : ma balise et le clone fabriqué deux ans plus tard. L’expérience traumatique de se cramponner à un radeau de survie dans des creux de plus de vingt mètres, persuadés qu’aucun secours n’arrivera, m’amène à alerter tous navigateurs à lire et prendre les mesures nécessaires pour éviter que ce drame se reproduise.

Yet another award for USCG Swimmer Drew Dazzo

February 15, 2008 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

US Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer Drew Dazzo is once again awarded for the extraordinary rescue of the Sean Seamour II crew by the Naval Helicopter Association

US Coast Guard HH-60 crew receives award for May 7th rescue

November 30, 2007 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

US Coast Guard HH-60 crew members will receive awards for the extraordinary rescue of the crew of s/v Sean Seamour II last May 7th. The vessel caught in a sub-tropical depression subsequently named Andrea, was further battered by a rogue wave.

US Coast Guard crews honored by her Majesty’ services after saving Sean Seamour II crew

August 9, 2007 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

The US Coast Guard crews (HH-60 and C-130) are the true heroes of the day for their extraordinary rescue of the Sean Seamour II crew. The HH-60 crew is to be recognized (we hope and are pushing) by both the Canadian and US governments for their courage and valor.

Les services de la Reine d’Angleterre honorent les équipages du HH-60 et C-130 des Coast Guard

August 9, 2007 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II

🇫🇷 Les deux équipages du HH-60 et C-130 qui ont assurés le sauvetage de Sean Seamour II sont honorés par les services de la Reine d'Angleterre, l'équipage du HH-60 sera reconnu par les deux gouvernements du Canada et Etats Unis pour leur prouesse et courage.

Action summary for the US Coast Guard rescue of Sean Seamour II’ crew

August 8, 2007 in Sean Seamour II log of events

The US Coast Guard action report on the Sean Seamour II rescue is another extraordinary demonstration of valor and courage, the parallel between Kevin Costner' The Guardian is not limited to Comdr. Smith' role as co-pilot, here again the winch cable…

Rapport d’activité US Coast Guard – Sean Seamour II

August 8, 2007 in SEA

🇫🇷 Le rapport d’activité des US Coast Guards dans le sauvetage de l’équipage de Sean Seamour II est édifiant, le parallèle avec le film de Kevin Costner The Guardian ne se limite pas au Commandant Smith qui joue le rôle du copilote, ici encore le cable du treuil…

The circuitous routes to my inspiration: how “Four Girls” came to be

August 8, 2007 in Postings from the Atelier

Mayke Sassen shares another of her new works and its source of inspiration “Four Girls”, a preview with a story.

Leçons tirées du naufrage du Sean Seamour II

August 6, 2007 in Leçons tirées du naufrage de Sean Seamour II, SEA

🇫🇷 Dans l'attente du récit sur le naufrage de Sean Seamour II qui sera publié sur mon blog à la mi-août et en pensant à tous ceux qui préparent leurs croisières ou traversées cet automne sur la route du sud, je livre déjà les leçons tirées de mon mon naufrage du 7 mai dernier

Lessons learned – don’t leave port without them

August 6, 2007 in Lessons learned – don’t leave port without them

After the sinking of Sean Seamour II during Andrea many have asked me to publish my lessons learned from this harrowing experience, I encourage all fellow mariners to read these ten points.

Mayke Sassen – Atelier and Current Work

July 4, 2007 in ART, Postings from the Atelier

It took well over a year to transfer from the Luberon back to the Golfe de Saint Tropez, now that the Atelier Camp de la Suyère is built and filling up with new works it was time to create a new website window “Atelier and Current Work, have a peak…