US Coast Guard HH-60 crew receives award for May 7th rescue
November 30, 2007 in L'histoire de Sean Seamour II, Sean Seamour II log of events

Higgins who saved the day bringing all aboard with a frayed cable (so reminiscent of the end of Kevin Costner’ film “The Guardian”), “steel nerves” Lt. j.g. Aaron Nelson who followed the fleeting sea-anchorless life-raft in winds over 70kts, and finally, Lt. Comdr. Nevada Smith who took upon himself to undertake this rescue in perilous operational conditions (for those who may have seen Kevin Costner’s “The Guardian”, he played the role of co-pilot Krausse).
Swimmer Drew Dazzo in the helicopter resting before being evacuated with us to Cherry Point Military hospital for injuries sustained during our rescue, Lt. Comdr. Nevada Smith supervising our transfer while coordinating with operations.
It is difficult to find words of appreciation, even so many months later, for the commitment of these heroes as there is no doubt failing them we would not be here to extol their dedication. Neither should we forget the C130 crew who miraculously found us among the seventy foot waves,but also the three ambulance teams, three hospital teams and the commander of Cherry Point Military Hospital who mobilized the disaster relief of the American Red Cross to help us through this crisis.
Finally, a moment of silence in remembrance of the crew of s/v Flying Colors that dissapeared eighty miles off our starborard, Captain Trey Topping, Rhiannon Borisoff, Jason Franks and
Christine Grinavic, likely pitchpoled by the same rogue wave amplified by their closer proximity to the Gulf Stream <>